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Official Recommendations Regarding DSRec Pool Openings


    May 13, 2020

The CDC’s official guidelines to opening pools this summer have been released. We have posted the full list to the news page on our website. As promised, we would like to take this opportunity to follow up with our official recommendations for your community’s aquatic facilities moving forward.

All of these recommendations align with the CDC’s official considerations in response to COVID-19: 

  • We will not be facilitating pool parties/private rentals this summer
  • We recommend that all pool furniture be put away for the summer in order to limit the patrons’ contact with shared spaces. This also applies to shared objects such as pool toys, kickboards, etc.
  • It is also recommended that all slides, diving boards, etc be closed this summer.
  • Our recommendation is to ask patrons to wear face masks when they are not in the water as this is still advised by both the State of Texas and the CDC. However, this is not recommended when patrons are in the water.
  • Patrons should not interact with other pool-goers that are not within their own household. The typical social distancing practices—6 feet distance between each group of households.
  • It is strongly recommended that anyone experiencing any symptoms of illness or fever remain at home.
  • Appropriate signage indicating official CDC guidelines should be installed at each location.
We are dedicated to ensuring that the safety of your community and our staff is preserved at all times. If you have any questions regarding these measures, please reach out to our Communications & Marketing Director, Elissa Butler at